The place are is just outside a major city in Denmark.. Near green
areas and just 8 km to the center of the city... For now we have removed
all the names to ensure that nobody take advantage of the existence of
the web-site
The plot (or lot if you are American) of land was the half of an existing double lot - with one house. The owner was selling the house and the new owners was not interested in the big lot... The plot is 1029 Square meter. 1029 square meter = 0.2542714 acre. 1029 square meter = 1,230.6737576 square yard... Or... use online conversion to convert to whatever metric you like... Our drawing of the house.... The first cut... We took this drawing to four different companies to get a price on the building of the house.. We ended up with a small local Fyn company called Ideal Huse.. The drawing evolved... And placement of the house was decided..
Vores første tegning af huset... Vi har spurgt fire firmaer om en pris for at bygge et hus i stil med vores skitse. Vi endte op med at vælge et lille lokalt firma kaldet Ideal Huse... De reklamerer ikke - og bygger kun ca. 20-25 huse om året. Og vi havde en rigtig god fornemmelse omkring Knud - ejeren af Ideal Huse...
In addition we took contact to two different architects that looked at our drawing and came with very valuable information and directions. One of them - very focused on the light and the usage of the house from a daily routine - the other one very focused on the distribution of the rooms.. We did not follow all of their recommendations, but sometime we used it to clarify - that it was not that way we wanted it... BUT.. the process was extremely useful - and we feel, that we ended up with a good layout for the house. Our own final drawing of the house... The drawing is a result of more then 50 different versions - some with big changes - some with small changes... Vores endelige tegninng af huset. Tegninger er et resultat af flere end 50 forskellige versioner - nogle med store ændringer - andre med små ændringer... The Technical drawing of the house....
Huset er placeret således at hele stuen og køkken delen samt de to store værelser vender mod syd... Mod naboen - mod nord - er der hovedsagligt badeværelse, bryggers etc.. Huset ligger helt op til skel ind mod naboen for at give så stor en forhave som muligt... Bag ved huset skal der med tiden laves en lille køkkenhave
It turned out that the engineer responsible for technical drawings took our house and draw it exactly as we had drawn it. So it was a good thing that we had the consulted two architects - because the engineer did not provide us with valuable input. Det viste sig at den tekniske tegner - tegnede huset næsten 100% som vi havde tegnet det selv. Så det var en god ting at lade tegningen passere et par arkitekter.. Tak til både Jens Christian og Kaj...
The front of the house... Click on the picture both sides of the front... The roof will have 30 degree angle. Forsiden af huset. Huset vil få sort engoberet tegltag med 30 graders hældning... The electricity are a chapter by it self.. To get the view of what we needed - we made a drawing of how we wanted the it to be created... And for those of you building a house.. Be aware that this can cost a lot of additional money... to get the extra sockets, etc. installed.
This site was last updated 11/22/05
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