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The most important pictures

Here are the most important Pictures.. The latest pictures first...

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Cabinets in utility room..

Torben er nu ankommet til huset for at sætte elementerne fra HTH op. Det er godt, at han er tålmodig, for vi spørger meget.

First cabinets in kitchen... Now the house is really starting to look like a house. The painters has also started..

Køkkenet bliver nu sat op.

First rooftiles in place..

Det første teglsten bliver lagt.. Det ser helt rødt ud, fordi de skærer i stenene, men det er altså sort.

More end of November pictures

Floors are being leveled


Tiles are being places


More beginning of November pictures

Huset bliver lukket med Dampspærer og isolering

Halvmuren i køkkenet bliver muret.

Døre og vinduer bliver leveret og monteret.

Doors and Windows are being Mounted

More end of October pictures

Vejret var pragtfuldt til Rejsegilde med pølser og det hele...

Folk rejste langvejsfra for at deltage. Fra Esbjerg, Vejle og Falster... Dejligt at så mange ville deltage - tak for det...

"topping-out ceremony" or "put up the roof tree"..

More Rejsegilde Pictures

3 October 2005 - during only one day more then half of all the rafts where put in place

3 October 2005 - I løbet af kun én dag var mere end halvdelen af alle spær sat op. Utroligt så stort huset lige pludseligt blev...

October 2005 - Some of the rafts will have a big platform in order to utilise the roof for storage.

På en del af loftet vil der blive lagt gulv.

More beginning of October pictures

The first brick are being laid.

It is difficult to depict the color of the bricks - but it is a mixture of red and yellow...

On one of the last days of september - the rafts was delivered...

More end of September pictures

3 September 2005 - Outdoor plumming are being made

7 September 2005 - The Garden behind the house are being leveled.

7 September 2005 - Water are being shot under the round and pipes drawned to the house

12 September 2005 - The inner walls are being made.. There are now rooms to walk into... The three dimensional feeling

15 September 2005 - The living room and kitchen walls

19 September 2005 - Steel girders are being put up to support the carport and the covered ara in front of the living room and kitchen.

More Beginning of September pictures

At this point [end of August] we had the feeling that we are slightly behind schedule... BUT... September turned out to be THE month where a lot of work happened... In order to show you all - we have divided September into three sections...

7 August 2005 - The FIRST foundation blocks.. Now it starts to go up...

10 August 2005 - Basse puts his signature on the foundation for the Carport

22 August 2005 - Drain are in place... Only one is in the wrong place.. But we fixed that.

26 August 2005 - Walls, Water, floor heating and isolation are in place.

30 August 2005 - Look at this.. We are happy that it is not our work to sort this out...But we have seen that it actually looks nice in the end...

31 August 2005 - Done.. Foundation is in place...


More August Pictures

1 July 2005 - Trees was cut down

Mid July 2005 - The ground construction company arrived and started levering the ground

Mid July 2005 - They measured for the foundation...

Mid July 2005 - Foundation was started...

Suddenly big trucks with Tons of cement arrived... Imagine the Tons of material there will be delivered before the end of the construction

Mid July 2005 -We have helped a little with the foundation

More July Pictures

June 2005 - The Garden are being used as our private Park

And we are signing the Final papers


More June Pictures

May 2005 - The Garden is simply beautiful... And there is a very nice copper beech [Blod bøg]

May 2005 - The mowing machine are used for the first time on our own grass

More May Pictures

April 2005 - We where visiting houses to see how the different companies where building

April 2005 - A lot of inspiration can be gathered from these try out houses...

More April Pictures

March 2005 - Drill Sampling

March 2005 - Mathilde see the lot

More March Pictures

May 2005 - The Garden is simply beautiful... And there is a very nice copper beech [Blod bøg]
May 2005 - The mowing machine are used for the first time on our own grass

Februar 2005 - We are signing of the contract

Februar 2005 - A very happy Garden owner

More February Pictures

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